Bavarian American Hotel

Photo series and report about the BA Hotel ("Nuernberger Nachrichten").
11 June 2015:
The "Nürnberger Nachrichten" reports that the former BA Hotel is under renovation and will open in February 2016 as "Park Plaza".

Photos from 29 October 2015

The BA Hotel 7th of July 2012.

The backdoor.
      News in the "Nürnberger Nachrichten" from the 31st of January 2013:
The owner of the BA Hotel, the dutch Park-Plaza chain, has applied in 2012 for a hotel with 172 rooms.  The Nürnberg city government has approved it.
The interior of the BA Hotel may now be a huge gloomy construction site but a chain speaker is optimistic: In March they will present exact plannings.

Impressions of the BA Hotel at the former opening of the "Szene Gastro" - long closed now.  Thank you, Jürgen Mach.

Above: Advertisement from "Stars & Stripes", March 2-8 1995


Right: picture from Cecil Simpson (date unknown)

Above from 25. June 2005:
The building is empty, unused.
Above: the backdoor
2nd from left: the main door

The History of the Bavarian-American Hotel

The Future (1997)

3 July 2002: Troubles with the BA Hotel:
It needs to be renovated for the appartments have been worn down by the roomers, but there seems to be no money for that. Maybe it will be sold. Do you have 3.3 Mio Euro?


Left: About 1938: The left wing of the Grand Hotel is the newly built guest house of the Nazi Party (published in Zelnhefer: Die Reichsparteitage der NSDAP in Nuernberg - 2002))